BE different

Strategic Insight with Application

05 January 2017 - by Geoff Ribbens

All my working life I have been involved in management training, basically knowledge acquisition, retention and application.! What I really wanted was a method of discovering something new in organisational life that could be acted on; ‘strategic insight with application’.

ion and application. People respond well to knowledge that is relevant to their lives, especially if it is new and can be applied. As a trainer/coach I often used questionnaires linked to personality profiles – Belbin, Myers Brigg, Thomas International etc; these gave insight and helped in team building. However, what was missing with these questionnaires was a direct application that would rapidly benefit the whole organisation. You cannot easily change your personality profile! What I really wanted was a method of discovering something new in organisational life that could be acted on; ‘strategic insight with application’.

In our experienced consultants and coaches have designed business diagnostic instruments that provide strategic insight with application – they generate new information about different aspects of organisational life. This new information is directly relevant to all businesses; it utilises the hidden collective wisdom of a company’s management team and our authors. Our questionnaires or Pathway Audits™ reveal new information that can be acted on, and provide a pathway for action. If you want to identify your organisation’s strengths and weaknesses regarding major strategic issues such as Outsourcing, Executive Selection, Leadership, Lean thinking, IT or IS Strategy or M&A, then go to our web site where these and many more highly focused on-line audits are described.

Comprehensive feedback is included in the cost of the audits. They can be used directly by organisations or by trainers, coaches or consultants.

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